Feedback factors Backlink Factors

In some cases, you may even be de-indexed, so consider uptime monitoring . Repeated or prolonged downtime due to site maintenance can also be detrimental. 70. Server Location The location of your server is said to be important, especially for location-based searches. For example, Google may consider a website hosted on a local server to be more important to a user than a website hosted on a server on the other side of the world. 71. SSL Certificates Google Feedback factors Backlink likes SSL certificates. In fact, it uses them on its websites. Now it wants SSL certificates to be used “everywhere on the web.” As a result, it now uses HTTPS (which indicates that the site has an SSL certificate) as a ranking factor. 72. Privacy and Terms and Conditions Pages Privacy pages and Terms and Conditions .

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Terms of Service pages are a signal of quality and reliability. 73. Duplicate Meta Tags Most people are aware of the dangers of duplicate page content, but USA Telegram Number Data duplicate meta information can be just as harmful. In fact, it can affect all pages of your website. 74.   users understand where they are on your site at a glance. Many experts, including Search Engine Journal, believe that Google uses them for the same reason, so they could also be used as a ranking factor.

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Optimized for mobile phones Simply put, websites that are not optimized for mobile devices are penalized in mobile search. 76. YouTube YouTube is not the only video sharing site on the Internet, but most people believe that it has priority in search Switzerland Phone Number List results.   by some studies. For example, Search Engine Land found that YouTube traffic increased after Google’s Panda update in 2011. 77. Usability Google is said to do this assessment in different ways. This includes how long visitors spend on your website and how many pages they visit. It wants to see sites that are easy to use and easy to navigate. 78. Use of Google tools Some experts believe that using Google Analytics and Google Search Console can help improve your rankings.

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