Sales Performance: How to Accelerate Sales Productivity?

2. How to apply these keys and what functions they have Having specific and measurable commercial objectives is important to keep in mind the main objective of the company: generating business. The Performance:  objectives must be realistic and, Accelerate  above all, in line with our potential clients; this means that our salespeople must know and understand how the client acts and thinks in order to always position ourselves with an advantage over them.

It is important to understand that a salesperson is NOT

a person who has the great ability to convince anyone at any time. No sale happens by chance, there is always a well-defin Accelerate  strategic process. This process Performance:  allows the salesperson, along with his great sales skills, to anticipate the customer’s behavior.

The planning process must be a common objective

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Another of the fundamental keys to achieving

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good commercial results is to establish good internal communication. It is necessary that the entire internal team understands the company’s purposes and missions and is align with the Marketing department, that is, Smarketing. Smarketing comes from the union of sales + marketing. It is a process that consists of the union between the marketing and sales teams with the aim of achieving in a more optimal way that qualifi leads become future clients.


smarketing_blog guide

Last but not least measure everything that is relevant to your sales success

Metrics and KPIs will give you a real insight into the work of your sales team. By measuring this data, it will be possible to conduct an internal review of the stages of the sales process, possible improvements, conversion rates, etc.

Keeping track of business metrics is very useful because it will help you identify those small problems more easily, which can be correct more easily and quickly.

To achieve good results, it is also Accelerate  important that the sales team collaborates in an align manner with the marketing department, so that together they can improve business performance.


 Business performance example

A sales director lands in the commercial department of a company. He has been hir for his ability to capture leads and for his talent in managing teams.

When he was hir, he was given a series of Accelerate  very specific objectives, since the previous sales director did not meet the expectations and there was little commercial efficiency. The new sales director has the objective of closing 20% ​​more clients than what was ask of the previous director.

Not only has it manag to reach its objectives, but it has surpass them by achieving 25%. To do so, it has carri out a strategic plan in which it has not ne to invest excessive resources.

Internal planning and the creation of even more

specific and measurable objectives has been key to achieving a 20% increase in customer conversion rate. To achieve this, internal meetings have been held with the team on a weekly basis, and also with each of the members (there are 4) in parallel to see if they ne resources, review objectives, study alternative options…

To achieve this success a lot of emphasis

has also been plac on internal communication and planning, which is why they use a task manager (call Monday) where they review the tasks and actions that each member of the department has to carry out.

In order to achieve these objectives, there has also been a lot of emphasis on internal training, as they have dicat 2 hours a week to thoroughly training the department in trends, processes, innovations, etc.

For a company to control its growth and achieve its best results, marketing and sales must work in an align manner and set SMART objectives.

How to do it? We can start with an estimate of annual sales and, from there, create a digital sales plan that, together with the marketing plan, will achieve the objectives.

In this Guide we focus on the vietnam phone number buy list analysis of the annual sales forecast and the development of the sales department’s action plan to meet i


Ultimately the success of this sales manage

lies in having very clear objectives, and carrying out good planning and organization, as well as adequate agent email list communication. With a lot of effort, talent and work, these objectives are achiev and the team becomes a stronger and more consolidat department, ready to start scaling up results. If you ne help, at Connext we can advise you from the very beginning and guide you. Request our free analysis and we will help.

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