The most important of these roles

To learn more tips, you can use Fardares 11th grade Persian literature training video , the link of which is given in the box below. Teaching Persian literature – 11th grade Farsi literature teaching film – 11th grade in extracurriculars click Comparison table of specific adverb with common adverb In the table below, we have compared the types of adverbs in terms of grammar and we have also given examples for two types of specific and common adverbs. Grammatical role of adverbs Example Example in the sentence specific (only adverbs) Always, still, perhaps, unfortunately, because Adverb: I almost filled the exam paper.

Common significant and other

grammatical roles Saturday, home, consecutive, ugly Adverb: He walked slowly. Adjective: He had slow steps . Other roles of common adverbs Bank Database  So we learned that common adverbs can take roles other than adverbs. are adjectives and predicates. Of course, adjectives do not have an independent grammatical role and exist as noun dependents in a noun group and describe the noun they describe, but they are different from adverbs anyway. So, in this section, we will examine the difference between adjectives and predicates with adverbs.

Table of differences between adverb

, predicate and adjective In the table below, we have used the word “good” both as an adverb and as an adjective and predicate, and we have Afghanistan Phone Number List  examined the differences between these three roles together. Adverb Adjective Musnad Watch the movie well . Look at me now . I will be fine . Can be deleted (it means “watch the movie”) Can be removed (meaning “look at me now”) Undeletable (“I’m sick” doesn’t make sense) dependent noun and verb (in this example: dependent verb “see”) dependent noun (dependent noun “now”) main role (core and predicate) It comes with verbs and nouns and in all kinds of sentences .

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